Sunday, May 6, 2012

May Sixth Two-thousand Twelve

Well this weekend started out, Friday with a double date with the boy, his roommate, James & his roommate's girlfriend, Ashley. With whom I attend school with. Chinese takeout & rented Borat. Then cuddled up in his bed & watched some television & figured out the details for prom. Then Saturday, showered & got around before the boy got outta work at two o'clock. Drove to town, parked the truck at meijer, where the boy picked me up from. Drove back to his place, cuddled & watched some television. Which then in return put us both asleep for nap time. Which we were rudely awoken by James, who was pissed out of his mind due to relationship problems with Ashley. He decided he wanted to go two tracking & he wanted Caleb & I to come with. So after a lovely nap that was happening, we spent the next three hours in the jeep following behind James in Cedar Valley Wheeling it up. Having the times of our lives. Then went to their place to spend a couple hours watching television, then watching some Iron Man the movie, before heading to town to pick up my truck, some beer & picking Ashley up from work. Then drank at their house for awhile. Sobered up, drove home. Slept for four hours, then had to wake up for the day I dreaded most, Sunday. Sunday being the day Caleb packs up the rest of his stuff from James' & heads back to live at his parent's house in Cadillac. Went to bed Sunday morning at 1:45am, to then be awoke by max texts from Caleb at 8am to wake up & come over. Didn't get out of bed till close to then where I then drove to go put 92 dollars worth of gas into the tank of my truck & drive to James' house. What makes a shitty day better?, a package of two peanut butter cookies for breakfast. Yes sir, that sure does make it all better. Then to arrive at his house, to then sleep for another three hours, while watching a cop show on television. Cuddling & spending what little bit of time we had left being as close as possible. Before having to fit a bed, dresser, amp, box of clothes, & a ton of random shit into a small Jeep Cherokee. Send our goodbyes, he jumped in the jeep, & I jumped in my truck. & We left, going our separate ways at the light, where I got a kiss blown to me, & a heart before driving away at the green light. For being together for such a small amount of time, we've really grown on eachother. So much in common with eachother. Even the bestfriend notices were like the same person. In a short period of time, he's become my bestfriend. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. It'll be hard going from, seeing a person everyday at lunchtime, & spending every other day after 6pm with them, to now only seeing them every other day for a shorter period of time. & Having to drive twenty-five minutes away to see him on the weekend. But just got to remember, "distance makes thy heart grow fonder". Which hopefully will soon be prove to be a very true statement. But now it's off to bed alone. To awake for the boring day of school. Good luck to the fucks who are already out of school. Ya'll are the luckiest. 

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