Thursday, May 17, 2012

May Seventeenth Two-thousand Twelve

Fourth Hour with the bestfriend Jennifer :)

Jenn's beautiful drawing of my truck Fiona, me & my bestfriend Lizzy (our nicknames are on there).

The Week

Monday, May Fourteenth
Well I wrote this morning how boring first hour was which was very true. The rest of the day was just as boring. After school went tanning then, the boy came over & we cuddled in the basement & watched Fast Five. One of my favorite action films because my favorite actor is in it (Paul Walker).

Tuesday, May Fifteenth
Today was super boring could hardly stay awake all day long. Came home after school & slept for hours on end.

Wednesday, May Sixteenth
Well school was the same ole boring shit. As always. At 3pm I had a job interview, which I think went pretty well, hopefully I got the job. Then went tanning afterwords & relaxed. Came home & had a great home cooked meal, then the boy was over for a few hours & we got to cuddle for awhile. Which made it a good night.

Thursday, May Seventeenth
Today was an alright day, till tba. Which my tba teacher Ms.K is a complete bitch & fucked me over major. Can't fucking stand her but whatever. Had a great day in fourth hour today. Then hungout with the bestfriends fifth hour. Then came home & slept for a bit before the boyfriend came over. We cuddled for a bit & watched to of my favorite movies (I have a lot of favorites). It was a good night. :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May Fifteenth Two-thousand Twelve

Well sitting in first hour. Bored as always. But I have all my work done so i get to sit & slack off. But I wore shorts to school today, & knowing how the principals hate me, probs gonna get bitched at for it. sweeetttt!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Date :)

I'm seriously the luckiest girl in the world. I have an incredibly handsome boyfriend. Who's the sweetest. & He looks so good all dressed up in his suit & tie. He's the best a girl could ask for. :)

May Thirteenth Two-thousand Twelve

Well today's mother's day. Mom loved the candy & necklace I gave her yesterday. Laid around today, downloaded the soundtrack from the new Footloose. My favorite movie :)  Well then went to dinner for mother's day. My meal wasn't very good at all. But I had a Cream soda from the Jones Company. So that made it better plus I took the bottle it came in which was another plus so I guesses it wasn't to day of a night at dinner. Now just laying around. Bout to try & get all the pins outta my hair & shower. My hair is a fallen down version of what it was for prom lol. 

Prom 2012

May Twelfth Two-thousand Twelve

Well today was the big day, Prom day. Woke up at 9am (which never happens on a Saturday), watched some Three-Stooges with my dad, then cleaned the bathrooms & did my chores. Showered & got cleaned up, packed up my prom stuff, went to the bestfriends & picked her up, met the boyfriend at the mall & got the bestfriends necklace fixed, then went to my hair appointment & got my hair done. Went back to the bestfriend to get around for prom. The boys came over there, had dinner. Got dressed, got our pictures done at her house, then drove back to my house to drop off my truck. Got our pictures done at my house. Rode with the boy to the resort & meet the bestfriend & her man there. Rode with them to Elk Rapids, after dropping off the jeep resort. Came back, hung out outside the resort with some friends before going inside. Sat at the tables & waited for more people to show up before going out on the dance floor & dancing our asses off for a bit. Had a ton of fun before heading to meijer & changing out of our dresses & suits. Got in a argument with the boy ended up going to Kingsley to his friends house party with him. He had a couple beers (meaning two), & was drunk (he's a lightweight) then decided to leave, drove my first jeep. His jeeps pretty fun to drive lol. Hung out at meijer some more. Then hung out in another parking lot. Then went home around 1ish since he had to drive all the way back to Cadillac. Said our goodbyes at the jeep. Went inside & passed out, was so tired & exhausted but it was a great night. I'm an incredibly lucky girl to have such a handsome boyfriend. He was an amazing date to have for Prom.

The Week

Haven't written anything in a few days but there really wasn't anything to say. But I guess I'll sum up some stuff to say about the week.

Tuesday May Eighth,
First hour was the same as always, Tba was horrible. My teacher Ms.K is a complete bitch. I can not stand her anymore. She complains bout to much. Got to see Caleb at lunch, but he was sick so didn't get to see him after school. Fourth hour was the same. Fifth hour just hung out. Went home & picked up my stuff for my first time tanning. Toke my moms suv which has a killer sound system. Then Went tanning for the first time & it was amazing. Then went home to pass out at 7:30 & sleep till I had to get up for school.

Wednesday May Ninth,
Same shit, different day.

Thursday May Tenth,
First hour was the same, Tba was still horrible, Lizzy (the bestfriend) almost killed our stupid ass teacher. Then got a call from a friend & had to go get her unstuck out at Cook Lake where her jeep was stuck on the side of the lake. Got stuck due to listening to her directions rather then my bestfriends. Battery in my truck had been dying all day. Had to get jumped again because the battery died when I was stuck. Then had to get pulled out. Then did a bit of wheeling at the party spot at Cook. Then went to fourth hour with mud all the way almost to my knees. It was a good day for the most part. After school, went tanning again. Then hung out with the boy & the best friend. Helped the boy get a tie that matched my dress for prom. He ended up getting a bow tie that matched. Then went home & passed out at 9:30.

Friday May Eleventh,
Well school was the same shit different day. Went tanning after school. The boy couldn't hangout after I got out of school & he got out of work. So I went home & had a lazy day. Went to the cousins then & had a movie night passed out on the couch early while the cousin texted the boy off my phone. Talked with the boy for a bit before he went to bed. Then off to bed I went needed my beauty rest for prom the next day.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Best Kind Of Memories :)

It's so hard not fall for you. I look at that smile, & I can't help but smile. My heart melts when I'm around you. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know where I'd be right now, if you hadn't come into my life. You've won over the heart of my bestfriend. She's comfortable around you, & she trusts you with me. She know's that your not gonna hurt me. All I have to do is slightly frown, & you come up to me arms wide open with a loving expression on your face, & telling me everythings ohkay. Even when nothings wrong, you try to make things even better, just so there aren't any moments of doubt in happiness. Your amazing. & Everytime you say you're worthless, just know, that to me, you're worth more then the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, & the planet we live on. 

May Seventh Two-thousand Twelve

Well today didn't go quite as planned. School was shitty as always, plus no lunch break with the boy made it a little bit odd. Then to make matters worse, got home & started to fall asleep. Due to my heart problem, couldn't breathe when I was asleep, blacked out. & Woke up in the ER. Wish the boy had been there. Been shaking & scared ever sense. Got home & been laying in bed. Watching the Aristocat's, my favorite disney, kid's movie. Just wanna cuddle up & be ohkay. But it doesn't seem like that's how it's gonna be. Can't wait for tomorrow & this weekend. It's hopefully gonna be a good rest of the week.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Dreaded Part..

Watching him drive away... :(

Sunday Morning & Evening :)

My favorite types of naps. Being cuddled up next to him. Listening to him snore & twitch in his sleep. The only downside, the damn kid drools all over the place. But ay, he's still a cutie, & a great cuddler. :)

Saturday Night :)

Wheelin' outfit :)

May Sixth Two-thousand Twelve

Well this weekend started out, Friday with a double date with the boy, his roommate, James & his roommate's girlfriend, Ashley. With whom I attend school with. Chinese takeout & rented Borat. Then cuddled up in his bed & watched some television & figured out the details for prom. Then Saturday, showered & got around before the boy got outta work at two o'clock. Drove to town, parked the truck at meijer, where the boy picked me up from. Drove back to his place, cuddled & watched some television. Which then in return put us both asleep for nap time. Which we were rudely awoken by James, who was pissed out of his mind due to relationship problems with Ashley. He decided he wanted to go two tracking & he wanted Caleb & I to come with. So after a lovely nap that was happening, we spent the next three hours in the jeep following behind James in Cedar Valley Wheeling it up. Having the times of our lives. Then went to their place to spend a couple hours watching television, then watching some Iron Man the movie, before heading to town to pick up my truck, some beer & picking Ashley up from work. Then drank at their house for awhile. Sobered up, drove home. Slept for four hours, then had to wake up for the day I dreaded most, Sunday. Sunday being the day Caleb packs up the rest of his stuff from James' & heads back to live at his parent's house in Cadillac. Went to bed Sunday morning at 1:45am, to then be awoke by max texts from Caleb at 8am to wake up & come over. Didn't get out of bed till close to then where I then drove to go put 92 dollars worth of gas into the tank of my truck & drive to James' house. What makes a shitty day better?, a package of two peanut butter cookies for breakfast. Yes sir, that sure does make it all better. Then to arrive at his house, to then sleep for another three hours, while watching a cop show on television. Cuddling & spending what little bit of time we had left being as close as possible. Before having to fit a bed, dresser, amp, box of clothes, & a ton of random shit into a small Jeep Cherokee. Send our goodbyes, he jumped in the jeep, & I jumped in my truck. & We left, going our separate ways at the light, where I got a kiss blown to me, & a heart before driving away at the green light. For being together for such a small amount of time, we've really grown on eachother. So much in common with eachother. Even the bestfriend notices were like the same person. In a short period of time, he's become my bestfriend. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. It'll be hard going from, seeing a person everyday at lunchtime, & spending every other day after 6pm with them, to now only seeing them every other day for a shorter period of time. & Having to drive twenty-five minutes away to see him on the weekend. But just got to remember, "distance makes thy heart grow fonder". Which hopefully will soon be prove to be a very true statement. But now it's off to bed alone. To awake for the boring day of school. Good luck to the fucks who are already out of school. Ya'll are the luckiest. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Second Two-thousand Twelve

Well it started out like every other day, waking up to my Mater wake up call alarm. Only I woke up in a better mood then the day before. So that was a plus side to the day. Then my mom left five dollars for lunch outside my door. Another plus side to the day. Danced on my bed to random songs on the radio for no apparent reason. Then called the best friend & talked on the phone for a bit. For some strange reason I had so much energy this morning. I was dancing all over the house this morning in my shorts & sports bra cause I really didn't care this morning. I had so much energy & no one was around to judge me for being really weird. Truck sounded a lot louder then usual this morning. Which was a big plus side to the day. Jammed to some old rap songs in the truck after picking up the best friend. Like seriously it's only Wednesday, not Friday. Why was this morning such a good day. I don't understand. I mean first hour, (which is english class that I only have for forty minutes before I go to career tech center) I started reading a book that a good friend told me was pretty good. It's called Go Ask Alice, it's really good. Downside to reading in first hour was, I forgot my stupid classes in the truck so I was a pretty slow reader. But oh well, I still enjoyed my book. Then had to go to career tech center/tba, which was just a waste of my time. Class was so stupid we sat around & did nothing other then come up with stupid tee-shirt designs. & For the love of God i could not come up with a tee-shirt design that I would want. & It was driving me crazy. But I finally figured mine out. Once tba was out, I had to go make my hair appointment to get my hair done before Prom. Which is the Twelfth of May, so excited. Going with the boyfriend, the bestfriend, & her man. It'll be a good night. Plus can't wait to get my hair done. After making the appointment had to drive all the way back to school, which is all the way on the other side of town. I then had to sit in geometry class, which is my fourth. I still don't understand as to why we have to take geometry it's just torture making us take that stupid class. But my geometry teacher is the best so she makes the class worth it.  Fifth hour I have an online class, which instead of doing it I went to the mall with the best friend to look at jewelry for prom. Found some gorgeous earrings.  Found a tux for the boy that'll match my dress. Had all the windows down in the truck, ray ban sunglasses on, hair blowing in the wind, radio full blast & dancing with the best friend. Went to meijer & hung out with the crew at our spot. Raised some hell as always. Drank a peace tea, one of my favorite things. Reminds me so much of summer. Wish it'd come sooner the it is. Passed out on top of my laptop while doing my online class. Woke up with boy cuddled up next to me on the couch, sleeping while watching Stupid Criminal's on television. Found another peace tea on the table, "for you" with a smiley face on a sticky note on it. Sat in the massage chair & did some more of my stupid online history class. Watched the boy slap himself in the face in his sleep & wake up. Another plus side to the day, watching his specialness, ha-ha. Been relaxing ever sense that, & it was a long day, but it was a good one for the most part. Not the same as my usual days, but that's okay because I was happy & content most of the day. Now it's time to go to bed & sleep for about six hours. Get up & stat another day for about the same thing. Hopefully something good, but different will happen. Well to bed I go. Goodnight internet world. See ya tomorrow.

Bestfriend & Boyfriend :)

My worlds complete as long as I have these two! 

Boyfriend :)